When I thought about doing this post I thought it may seem a little creepy – I was going to call it ‘Shower With Me’… yup.
I love trying out products that other people recommend so I thought I’d show you what I’m using in the shower at the moment!


OZ Botanics Major Moisure Shampoo
If I’m honest, the only reason I have this shampoo is because I picked it up from the pound shop where I used to work. And I don’t know where the conditioners gone! I’m using it just to use it – I don’t want to go and spend my hard earned money on more shampoo when I have this massive bottle sitting in my cupboard! It’s actually not that bad though, it does the job. It smells pretty good too!

Aussie Luscious Long Conditioner
Ah Aussie. Who doesn’t love Aussie?! They smell great and make your hair feel great. I don’t usually buy Aussie shampoo and conditioner because of the price but this little bottle came from the pound shop too!

Lee Stafford Treatment for Hair That Never Grows Past A Certain Length (and breathe)
I’m in love with this stuff you guys. I’ve almost finished this pot and I’m definitely going to buy another! It’s made my hair feel so silky and it even looks in better condition… I might even go as far as saying my hair has grown! But that may just be a trick of the mind. Your hair grows in stages and I have no clue what stage mine is in, so it could just be that my hair is growing this month. Either way I’ll continue to use this for a while to see if it really does work. I thought this product was a little expensive but it was my ‘congratulations’ present to myself for quiting smoking! YAY.


The Candy Jar – MarshMallow Hearts Shower Gel
Mmmmmm. I saw this in Tesco a while a go but didn’t think it smelt of anything, went back a few months later and had another whiff and OHMYBLOODYJASUS! (< say that in an Australian accent – it’s more effective) This smells amazing and for the price it really is a good product. You can still smell it on your skin even when you’ve dried! I don’t know if they changed the formula or my sense of smell has improved but I’m glad either way!

Fabulous Frootz Coconut and Shea Body Polish
This is kind of weird, because I’m not entirely sure what this is. I think it’s a bit like an exfoliator – that’s what I’m using it for anyway. I used to use the Soap & Glory one but that run out and I’m not made of money you know. I don’t use this every time I shower but it’s seemed pretty good when I have! I tend to exfoliate more in summer for fake tanning purposes!

Do you use any of these products? What’s your all time favourite hair mask? Let me know!

7 thoughts on “SHOWER TIME!

  1. Strange Made Me says:

    Hahaha this is brilliant, ‘shower with me’! :’) I had the same experience with Dolly’s Mixtures in Asda, at first I was like nope. But then the Australian voice in my head went crazy the second time round! I’ll have to have a look for it next time I go shopping! 😀

  2. jen-avon says:

    The Candy Jar MarshMallow Hearts shower gel is something I would like to try, I have a feel it might be hard to find in the states. Does is actually smell like marshmallows?

Let me know what you think!