

I’ve found it. The perfect hot chocolate! I was having a little wander round Tesco and found myself down the hot drinks aisle (as I often do) and that’s when I saw it. I can’t get enough of peanut butter and chocolate combinations (I can seriously eat Reese’s nut bars forever), so there was no way I was going to walk away without this!

DSCN1557 Continue reading


I swear every year there’s a huge debate about Christmas. When is it okay to play Christmas music? When is it okay to start selling Christmas stuff? When is it okay to put decorations up? It’s never ending.

I’ll admit that Christmas music can be slightly frustrating if the festive season is the furthest thing from your mind. I once worked in a shop that put Christmas music on the day after Halloween. Yup. Imagine having every single customer that comes through the door moaning about it for two months.

And as for decorations? Some people wait until December 1st, some people wait until 12 days before the big event. Now I don’t work in a public place that has been shoving everything Christmas related down my throat, I really don’t care much. And not just about the decorations – about the whole thing. *cue audible gasps from all around*

With that in mind, I have still been buying a few Christmas presents for my family (they’ve all got an orange and a bit of coal) and I’ve even tried to jolly myself up by putting some fairy lights in my bedroom!


I’ve had the silver beads up since last Christmas (they’re cute okay!), and I do actually have fairy lights wrapped around my headboard… so lights don’t make me think ‘BE FESTIVE’ as much as they used to. They still look nice though! And they were only £2.50 from Tesco, so I didn’t break the bank.

I’ll keep trying! I spend a lot of time in my car for work, so I might get some tinsel and decorate the inside! That’s not illegal… is it?

When do you put your decorations up? What’s the earliest you’ve ever known anyone to put them up?


So, I was trying to remember how the original version of Sleeping Beauty went(I’m not sure why), got frustrated and googled it. I found a pretty long list of the original stories that the Disney versions we know and love (because they aren’t disturbing) are based on.
The majority of them I’d already heard of, although not in such gruesome detail if I’m honest, but I’d never heard of the true story of Pocahontas… I need to share this with someone. This post may well change your life, and you’ll have to throw your copy of the film in the bin.

Please do not let children, and some adults, read this post. Continue reading


For those of you that don’t know – I’m on Pinterest an awful lot. Just quietly chuckling and pinning things to my perfectly organised boards (that’s right, I’m even organised on the internet).

Now, I don’t quite know what’s happened to me but I just seem to have the bloody giggles today and I cannot stop laughing. I don’t know if I’ve finally gone bat shit or if this stuff is actually as hilarious as I think it is… I thought if I shared it with you and you found it funny too I might feel slightly better.

The thing that started it all was this… I don’t know if it’s hilarious or disturbing, but I am literally crying with laughter…. I’m sick aren’t I? Continue reading


If you are not interested in The Sims details and such, this post is probably not for you! Unless you want to witness me go bat shit crazy of course.

I’ve mentioned a couple of times on here that I like to play The Sims occasionally, and when I say occasionally, I mean a lot. I didn’t really buy into The Sims 3 as I already had quite a few of The Sims 2 expansions and I didn’t want to invest more money in the game. I knew that if I bought the base game I’d end up buying expansion packs and things would get expensive.

simsAfter a couple of years however I went ahead and bought a preowned Sims 3 just out of curiosity, and while there was some features I didn’t like, you can’t really beat the Create A Sim. I was very restrained and didn’t buy into the expansions, but that’s mainly because I knew Sims 4 was imminent. After watching videos and reading articles online that told you all about how advanced the new Create A Sim was going to be and all the new building features I got really excited and I’ve been counting down until it’s finally released. I knew it was going to be quite pricey but, again, I vowed not to delve into expansion packs.

And then about a month ago, more information came my way. It’s safe to say I’m now questioning buying Sims 4. What a load of crap. I was a bit miffed when I found out there was only 5 houses in each neighbourhood and that the whole land was flat (no hills, holes or ponds), and then I saw the following list of things that have been cut:


VFC Big Brother House


You know when you get a bit sleepy, go into a bit of a daze and start thinking up crazy things in your head? That happened to me last night, and OHMYGOD, I have come up with the best reality show known to man.


I don’t even know how the idea came about, but I think it was something along the lines of wondering how awesome it’d be to have Liam Neeson and Nicolas Cage (two of my favourite celebs of all time) in a room together at the same time. Then I added David Attenborough (I just wanna be his friend <3) and Morgan Freeman (God on Earth) into the mix.
Now, whilst the idea of this excited me more than words to say, I was a little disheartened to think that it would never happen… Unless we all plotted together and came up with a grand scheme to get them all in a BB house scenario. Morgan Freeman could narrate half the show, and my David could do the other half. But even though I’m slightly obsessed with these celebs, it might get a little boring at times – so this is where my list of candidates came about! (I’m not kidding… a wrote an actual list last night)


The list is in no order, I can’t possibly choose who would be number one.


Nicholas Cage
Liam Neeson
David Attenborough
Morgan Freeman
Mila Kunis
Johnny Depp (But he’d have to pretend to be Jack Sparrow the entire time)
Billy Connolly (Imagine how funny things would get!)
Sarah Millican (Again, very funny)
Cam Gigandet (Because…He’s Cam Gigandet)
Dominic Monoghan (Charlie from Lost)
Prince Phillip (Just because he makes me chuckle)
Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (Mr Eko from Lost – things would get INTENSE)
Rolf Harris (I believe in Rolf)
Jorge Garcia (Hurley – from Lost)
Emma Stone
Woody Harrelson (ZOMBIELAND PEOPLE!)
Ellen Page (Inception, Juno etc)
Zooey Deschanel


To be honest the list could go on, but I think it’d be amazing to shove all these people together. I’d have the whole cast of Lost of there too if I could.



Touchy subject?

Now, this is something I haven’t mentioned on here before, but I love Twilight. Passionately. I admit that I’m one of those annoying fan girls that will willingly defend Twilight ’til the very end. Go ahead – make fun of me, I really don’t care.

I do however think the books are way better than the films, but that didn’t/doesn’t stop me crying uncontrollably whilst watching Breaking Dawn part two. I had to leave the cinema to avoid the crowd seeing me sobbing… and then I cried all the way home. Then had a conversation about the film and cried… then watched the DVD and cried… I won’t judge you if you leave me a judgemental comment down below.

The reason I titled this post touchy subject is because I’m about to say something about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, and it’s not all good… Just hold on to your panties a sec and put the meat cleaver down before you verbally beat me to a virtual death, therefore banning me from my own blog and the internet itself all together…

I do like them both and think they did a good job in 4 of the films… Twilight being the one that kinda failed. I think Kristen Stewart became a much better Bella than she portrayed in the first film, but I don’t think that’s due to her acting skills… she has one character, one face, one tone of voice – and that’s the Bella Swan. She’s absolutely awful in every other film I’ve seen her in, but at least she did a wonderful Bella.
I went for a compliment sandwich there… did it work?

And now, the main reason for this post (which actually started out as a couple of lines and a picture) was to briefly talk about Rob Pattinson. I really do like the way he played Edward and I wouldn’t change anything about that role or who played it… now I’ve seen it. But if Stephanie Meyer would have come to me for advice on who should play Edward (things like this often happen in my strange sideways world – it’s a bit like Lost’s sideways world… but that’s a whole other post right there) I would have told her that no guy could play the role better than this fella:


For those of you who know who this is: feel free to congratulate me on my fantastic idea that really should have been a reality. I think we should all pummel this idea into our kids, who then pummel the idea into their kids, so that in the future Twilight can be remade using our main man as Edward. Someone should also build an effective human freezer so he stays looking the way he does now… no one wants a wrinkly Edward Cullen… that’d be a whole different story line…



For those of you who have no clue who this is: SHAME ON YOU. If I could get hold of a dunce hat, come to your home, make you wear it and dance around you with a bunch of other Booth fans whilst we laugh at your ignorance – I would. No doubt about that.
Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present to you – Douglas Booth. If you haven’t seen BBC’s Great Expectations, do yourself a favour and get hold of the box set, or watch it online. You will not regret it. It’s an absolutely beautiful programme and didn’t get the credit and recognition that it truly does deserve; not only for being an incredible drama, but also for bringing this beautiful man into my life.

As I said, this was meant to be a short post, but I felt that I had to really do everything I could to get my point across. And boy am I glad I did. I’m pretty sure there’s a few ladies out there who are thankful too 😉

Image PS: You’re welcome ❤

The things I’d do if I won the lottery…

I think to win the lottery you have to actually buy a ticket first…since I’ve never done the lottery in my life I’ll keep that in mind the next time I’m disappointed that I haven’t won.Image

I think the very first thing I’d do would be to book the best holiday possible, just like everyone else. But before I jet off on my world tour, I’d buy all the fabric I’ve been looking at for months so it’s waiting for me when I get home. Then I’d probably kick myself for spending my winnings on a holiday and fabric.

I just added up all the different fabrics, bundles and kits that I’ve been watching on ebay and the came to a pretty impressive £86 – without postage and packaging. That’s also without the last bits I need to finish my quilt, which is currently gathering dust on the side.

I also figure that to have a good chance of winning the lottery I’d have to buy a load of tickets, so I’d probably have to be quite well off to have that amount of disposable income to spend on the lottery… and if I had that much spare money I probably wouldn’t need to enter the lottery… I think I’m trying to say that only people that don’t really need to win the lottery win the lottery…I’m not completely sure what I mean so I don’t expect you guys to have a clue!

Ball hoggers

This afternoon/evening I went out bowling and for a meal with my boyfriend, which was super fun and the meal was nice. And when I say nice, I mean it was damn spicy! I know Nando’s is all about spicy chicken, but how on Earth I still manage to find a plain chicken wrap without the chilli jam and with extra yoghurt to help cool any fire down spicy… I will never know. I’m such a wimp when it comes to anything remotely spicy.

I’m also a wimp when it comes to lifting anything heavier than a handbag, so just imagine for a second how light the balls that I bowl with are. Just imagine that for a second. I have to use an 8… and I still managed to hurt my wrist. There were kids using heavier balls than me! The family that were playing in the lane next to us, and therefore sharing our magical bowling ball dispensery unit, had two young boys who were clearly going to need light balls too.

At this stage, I must point out that before we started our game I went and took some grade 8 balls from lanes that weren’t in use therefore causing no harm or inconvenience to anyone else.


We were already half way through our game by the time this other family came to share our holy ball dispenser, and the two boys and the mother decided that they would also use the orange

balls. There were four balls. You have two bowls per go. There were four of us wanting to use the grade 8 balls. Do the math – more balls are obviously required here. Do they go and fetch any balls? No, no they do not go and fetch any balls.
Now I’m not sure if manners and everyday etiquette when encountering other people are still used in this day and age, but I would of thought so… right? Not for this little family. No sir. Or maybe it’s totally acceptable to allow your children to literally lay on the orange bowling balls so it is made impossible for anyone else to pick them up to use. Maybe it’s okay to literally pull the ball away from a stranger’s hand as they go to pick it up.

They are clearly the owners of the bowling alley. That’s the only conclusion I can come to, ’cause it’s not like they can get kicked out… so what’s the point in manners?